THE VILLAGE OF FAIRFAX operates under a statutory form of government with a strong mayor. The mayor is the chief executive of the village and is the chief conservator of the peace in the village and has the duty to see that all ordinances, by laws and resolutions of council are faithfully obeyed and enforced. The mayor is the president of council and attends all regular and special meetings at which he presides. The mayor is an adjunct member on all committees. The mayor advises the council from time to time relative to the finances of the village and as to the general conditions existing within the village.  This a a four year term.

THE VILLAGE COUNCIL operates under the general plan of government prescribed for villages in the statutes. All legislative power, and certain executive powers, are vested in the village council and must be exercised by that body. Council is composed of six elected members. They are elected on an “at large” basis by the elector of the village. Each council member serves a term of four years.

The Mayor and Village Council meet on the second Monday at 7:00 pm  in council committee AND on the third Monday at 7:00 pm of every month for council meetings.  Meetings are held at the Fairfax Municipal Building.