Jennifer Kaminer, Village Administrator


[email protected]

The Village Administrator is appointed by the Mayor with the approval of Council. The position reports directly to the Mayor and is responsible for the following activities:

  • Oversees the Maintenance and Recreation Departments.
  • Works directly with existing and potential businesses in the Village on economic development issues. Business retention and expansion is the main focus of the Village Administrator’s office.
  • Acts as the liaison for the Hamilton County Department of Economic Development’s “Enterprise Zone” program for commercial and industrial businesses.
  • Acts as the Street Commissioner for the Village – all street and sidewalk opening permits must be obtained from the Administrator. The Administrator oversees all road repair work and improvements handled by the maintenance department, or projects that are bid out to a contractor and works directly with the Village Engineer on plan specification and design.
  • Administers employee benefits program including: medical, dental and disability plans.
  • Manages all Workers’ Compensation claims/accounts.
  • Researches and applies for various County, State and Federal grant opportunities for Village capital improvements, infrastructure, and recreational items.
  • Acts as Purchasing Agent for the Village.

Lisa Kammerer, Fiscal Officer


[email protected]

The Fiscal Officer of the village is responsible for the keeping and recording of all Village finances and the clerk for the council. The Fiscal Officer attends all council meetings and keeps a record of all proceedings, rules, bylaws and legislation. When new village laws require publication, the Fiscal Officer shall certify that publication was made. The fiscal officer must keep accurate statements of all moneys received and expended by the village. They are responsible for keeping records of all property owned by the village and maintaining a record of all taxes and assessments. At the end of each fiscal year or sooner if required, the Fiscal Officer shall audit the accounts of all village officers and departments.

The Fiscal Officer also collects and disburses revenues due to the village. The Fiscal Officer acquires from the county treasurer those village taxes and assessments placed on the auditor’s tax list for collection, moneys collected by the mayor’s court, and debts due to the village, to be disbursed upon proper authorization.

Additional duties of the Fiscal Officer:

  • Prepare Ordinance and Resolutions
  • Prepare purchase orders, process payments, process deposits; manage financial information in UAN
  • Prepare annual budget and appropriation
  • Process bi-weekly payroll for all employees
  • Serve as Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals secretary
  • Manage and process pension system files and payments
  • Serve as the public liaison for the Building Department; assist the public with application process